We don´t have to work so hard

Many of us are carry around tension in our bodies. Shoulders and neck are one of the big areas. One thing we can do today to relieve some of it is to focus on one of the tens areas and see how much we over work this area just getting trough the day. This means being aware of every little thing we do. That can be lifting your cup of coffee in the morning, what many of us do is lifting the cup with the whole shoulder, instead of just using the arm to lift the cup. Make yourself aware if you use your shoulders,talking to someone. Making us aware and getting to know our bodies and habits is a great way of relieving everyday tension. My husband and teacher Al thought me this and it´s something I use in my private practice and personal life. It truly has made a difference to me.Try it out and see what changes you can make today for a healthier, happier body today.

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