Get your breath on

The long winter is over, spring has come and gone and now summer is here in the East. I cannot be happier about it. Still the winter has taken its toll on the body. Cold temperatures can make us tight in our chest and between the shoulder blades. This can make it a little tighter for our lungs to breath deep. And who does not want to be able to breath in as much of these lovely summer fragrances of flowers and blossoms all around us. Then again, the garbage and other more nasty smells of NY is a different area of smells.

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How Thai saved my mind

I am a thinker, I always have been a thinker and a analyzer. I cant tell you how many times people have told me “not to think so much” It does not have to be big things either, my brain is just wired to think and analyze to the tiniest detail and elaborate even the smallest things. Trying to solve or make sense of things.

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