Scared of what your dreams might be telling you?

You know those times you wake up after you have had a dream that felt so incredible real that when you wake up, it takes a minute to realize that it was actually a dream.

Maybe the dream left you with different feelings, big or small; fear, excitement, joy , anxiety or stress.

It does not have to be a big or powerful dream even. Some nights our dreams just makes us think, reflect and wonder.

Why did I dream that? What does it mean? Does it mean anything? Should I not eat spicy right before going to bed?

And then I read; Dreams, Messages From Your Subconscious where I got these questions answered. I felt a big relief as well cause i realized that our dreams are there to help us, not the opposite. If you are wondering of any of these things, I would recommend you to check out this book.

Naomi Goodlet is a Bestselling Author Mindfulness Crusader, Spiritual Rebel and Anxiety Hacker. Check out her free Mindfulness E-book "Be Here Now" with 14 free mindfulness audios at her website


I am very excited to have the author of the book Naomi Goodlet as my very first guest interview here on my blog. I am a proud affiliate for her book.


If you are curious about this book ant the author, here is a couple of Q&A from Naomi where you get to know her and why she wrote this book.



1) How did you become interested in the meaning of dreams?
My dreams had always fascinated me and I had no idea what they were trying to tell me. As I found my path towards spirituality and self-discovery I came across books about dream interpretation, sleep studies and the subconscious mind and I was completely hooked!
When I became a spiritual healer in 2006 my clients began telling me about their dreams and I started to learn about how our dream world reflects our waking world.
I love how dreams invite us to get to know ourselves more intimately and create a beautiful relationship with our subconscious mind.

2) How are our subconscious minds using dreams to communicate with us?
The subconscious governs all of our non-conscious functions, like breathing, healing, digesting etc. Its core role is to keep us healthy, balanced and nourished. But the subconscious does not have a voice! It needs to communicate with us to keep us on track but it is forced to use subtle and cryptic messages to communicate.
Many of us are already in tune with how the subconscious manifests discomfort, illness and pain in our bodies as a way of bringing our attention to an imbalance of some kind and our dreams are no different. The subconscious uses the dream state to deliver messages to you (often cryptic ones) so that you may know what you need in order to heal and restore your balance.
Not all dreams contain messages. I encourage you to look deeper into vivid and memorable dreams that contain strong emotions and images and disregard the others. I believe that we remember the dreams we are meant to remember.
3) How can we use our dreams to help us grow, heal and learn about ourselves?
Once we start recording our dreams, learning what they mean and understanding how to draw advice from them we can take on the wisdom being offered by our subconscious and make changes in our lives so that we can become happier, healthier and more balanced.
All you need to do to get started is to take more notice of your dreams! Write them down if you can and be sure to record what was happening in your life around the time of the dream. As you learn about dream symbols and what they mean specifically to you, you can use your intuition to decipher their messages with ease.
It’s important to remember that we don’t need to feel fearful or guilty about our dreams. Every dream is a gift. If you have a dream with confronting images or negative feelings then your subconscious is trying to get your attention. This is a sign that you need to look inward and take on board the advice that the dream is offering you.
4) Can you take us through your method for interpreting dreams?
Start by identifying the strong feelings in your dream and ask yourself whether this is a usual feeling that you experience in waking life? If not then prick up your ears and take notice of the rest of the components of the dream.
Remember that dreams are likely to be symbolic rather than literal so you need to explore what each component of your dream means to you specifically to determine its message. My book, Dreams, Messages From Your Subconscious has been written to help you understand the meaning if your dream symbols.
I encourage you to give it a go, record your dreams, listen to your intuition and develop your own dream interpretation routine.
5)  What called you to write your new book about the interpretation of dreams?
The book is called Dreams, Messages From Your Subconscious (and it’s now a bestseller!). I started writing it years ago as a resource for myself so that I could look up dream symbols to confirm their meaning for clients and I just kept writing (with a 2 year break in between when I had my daughter). 
I would tell people about the resource guide that I had created for myself and kept receiving encouragement to turn it into a book. As I did so, my passion for sharing this information with the world grew.
I also created two resources that go with it that anyone who purchases the book can download for free, a Dream Journal and a Dream Analysis Worksheet, everything that you will need to get started with the interpretation of your own dreams.
I hope to inspire people to develop a deeper relationship with themselves by better understanding the messages in their dreams. It is available on Amazon for Kindle.


Comment below and let me know what you think about your own dreams,

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Want to know something that is none of your business?

In the Nuad Thai Yoga-work we work with energy lines through the body to alliviate tension, stress, injuries or illness. Alot of us are sensetive to energy work. But what about the energy all around us? Especially the energy we receive from other people in our surroundings?

A couple of weeks I was walking the streets of Brooklyn, NYC and a woman with a dog walked pass me. She looked at me and seemed very annoyed. Her whole energy was screaming how annoyed she was.  Of some reason I took it personal. Was I in her way? Did I do anything to upset her? I suddenly felt guilt and worry rushing through me.

I felt bad about a block or so (like 1 minute walk in NYC-block-term) Then it hit me, her negative energy got straight through me and I soaked it all in.

It was when I realized that, I found that her energy had probably nothing to do with me, at all!!! It was much more likely that I met a person who had a bad moment and I just happen to cross her path at just that moment. (And no, I was not by anyways in her way or anything)

Why do we do that? Take other peoples energy personal?

I believe there are different reasons, speaking from myself:

Personally, it mostly depends on what kind of day I have. If my self esteem is low of some reason, I become very sensitive for negative energies around me.

On good days I see things from a distance perspective, and it does not effect me at all in the same way.

It's also New York, people are not always so friendly (I still love you, NYC!)

I have a friend who are very sensitive for other peoples energy a. She soaks it up like a sponge. And I hear it all around, how people are fleeing from people that just makes them exhausted.

So whatever the reason might be that a person does not seem to like you, how do we handle it?

This is where I want to share one of my favorite quotes;


"What other people think about you is none of your business" 


I wish I could remember who said this to me, Unfortunate I can't but this is one of my all time favorites. Cause it's so much truth in it. 

Now, of course we need to take responsibility about how we act. I´m not saying that we can act like asses ("rumpor" in swedish) and get away with it. What I am talking about is those situations in life where we don´t mean to be in a bad mood or the energy or chemistry is just not inline, so somehow people seems to not like us.

We cannot decide what other people think of us. Also it depends on what kind of day people meet us at. If I meet a new person on a crappy day it can feel pretty bad cause I am not my happy "best" self. 

But what helps me get over it is to think about the quote "what other people think of you is none of your business. It takes the pressure of a bit.

Something I try to do myself is that I try to give people a couple of meetings before I make up my mind about how I feel about the person. Cause that is what I would like other people would do for me.

But if a person meet me on a crappy day and decides that I am that way and by that not like
me. That is not my problem.

It also tells me that this person is not very open minded and that is a important quality I want to surround myself with, cause it makes me feel good. The blessing in disguise is that I will find out early on that this person was probably not a good fit in my life anyways.

I am not here to judge, I am just saying that I know what kind of energies and people I want to surround me with to be happy. What works for me might be completely different for others. There are no right or wrongs, neither good or bad here.

I am not by any means saying I am perfect. I don´t always do everything I say 100% of the times, but I try my best to reach there and that's what counts in my book. Keep up the good thinking and loving and it will get better and easier.

Do you have a easy time soaking up other peoples Energies? 


What did you do to not let it get to you? Please share in the comments and maybe your sharing will help someone else to do the same:

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I fell on my ass in dance class


Why I'm happy that I feel on my ass in front of 30 people in dance class.

I finally came to dance class. Nervous but also excited. The warm up went like it usually do, with a mix of emotions and reactions from my body. When I have been away for a while I always struggle with my self esteem and with being ok that I'm not where I want to be with my technique or in my body. But you can't be in a more safe space. People are so lovely. The teacher Laurie DeVito was as amazing as always.

So I got trough the warm up and I was feeling better.

The choreography came so We leaned the steps and started dancing. I started to feel alive again. It's interesting that when you have been not doing something that make you feel amazing, and start again. It's the most fabulous feeling in the world.

After a couple of rounds I stood there and noticing that my body, mind and everything in between went to a different state and place. It was this magic feeling where I just felt the sadness, stress and anxiety melting away.

That was when I realized how much I need to dance for my own happiness (and sanity). Cause dancing gets me to a higher place. The body is warm, the music is beautifully congested with the movement.

While  other groups are dancing (we usually gets split up in 4-5 groups so when your group are not dancing you are marking (practicing the steps) on the side.

Then it was the second to last round ahead and I stood there in front with four other dancers in the group and we started dancing.

Suddenly I feel how I loose my balance but since I am a state of enjoyment and almost like a slow motion feeling when my butt hit the floor.

What did I do? First I needed a second to realize that I actually had fallen flat, then I felt if I was hurt, then I quickly got up and got back into the last couple of eights (in dance we count to eights)

What I love about this is that I did not care one bit. I did not feel any shame of falling and all in front of almost 30 dancers. Laurie DeVito oc course came to see that I was ok, otherwise I just kept going.

The best part was that something happen inside me. When I realized that I can fall on my ass in front of a full class and just get up and keep dancing. I realized that I have alot of strength in me that I somehow forgot.

But also how important it is to be in a safe space. This dance class is a safe space. Full of love, sweat and beautiful movement where everybody has a different reason to be there.

And I know you have that too. 

What did I learn?

- I have to dance for my own body and mind health

- Being in a safe space is so important

- Shit happens. we fall, we mess up, just get up and keep going. like myself you probably end up learning from it if you dig a little deeper.

- I did not laugh at myself this time. But laughing at ourselves (in a freeing good way) in situations is so important.

Your turn, this week. do something you know is good for your body and mind health. Think about what your safe space is in life and go there for a while. If you don´t know, then it´s time to find that space.

Comment below and let me know how it felt


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